Up to this year, England Golf did not require NON-Qualifying competition scores to be notified. However, this is now a requirement and players who wish to have a handicap have a responsibility to return these scores. They will not immediately affect your handicap but will only be used as part of the Annual Handicap Review.
Examples of Non-Qualifying competitions are
Away days of groups in
the club (such as the Bizz, the Swizz and SMUGS etc) where golf is played
under Competition conditions.
Society Competitions
Team competitions at
other courses, such as Betterballs and Texas Scrambles
Singles Open Competitions at other courses where for any reason the competition is non-qualifying
The reason behind the change is that there are a
considerable number of players who are entering these types of competitions,
with handicaps gained by just playing three rounds. These players are
winning a disproportionate number of these events. Whilst we do not believe
that we have players like this within the club, we have to do what England Golf
tells us. This will help us identify players who do not play much
competition golf and do not have appropriate handicaps.